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ككل هناك 4 عُضو متصل حالياً :: 0 عضو مُسجل, 0 عُضو مُختفي و 4 زائر :: 2 عناكب الفهرسة في محركات البحث

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ملكه المنتدى
رقم عضويتك : 1
عدد المساهمات : 84033
الاوسمه :
العمل/الترفيه : طبيبه اسنان

Casual Dinnerware Set اطباق غريبه جدا  Empty Casual Dinnerware Set اطباق غريبه جدا

06.12.10 12:34

Casual Dinnerware Set to Go: Perfect Party Plate + Bowl
Casual Dinnerware Set اطباق غريبه جدا  Sponslink3
Casual Dinnerware Set اطباق غريبه جدا  Standing-eating-plates1

Dishware and glassware – why is it not designed for standing up and walking around at parties? Sure, most of the time you might be sitting down to eat but when you have guests the standard stable table-oriented tableware designs can become cumbersome to carry with you, not to mention if you also have a glass in tow. Stackable, smooth and sleek, this dinnerware is designed to go wherever you do with ease and to function as either a plate or a bowl as needed.
Casual Dinnerware Set اطباق غريبه جدا  Stand-up-and-eat-dishes
Gabriel Contino has come up with a clever design that goes beyond a merely ergonomic solution for mobile eating – it also includes a convenient slot for you to set your drink while you stand or walk around. Not only does this make it easier to take your food and beverage with you as you roam the rooms at a dinner party but it also critically frees up a hand for opening doors and shaking hands.
Casual Dinnerware Set اطباق غريبه جدا  Stand-and-eat-plate-designs
Beyond this great-for-groups functionality, this bowl-or-plate design would be handy simply to have around the house for casual occasions – when you want to move to the couch for desert or eat in front of the television. Moreover, these plates are actually elegant even for meals eaten around the dinner table – a cross between a fancy appetizer dish and a strangely-formed sushi plate.

Casual Dinnerware Set اطباق غريبه جدا  Sponslink3
Creative Ergonomics: Hand-Sized Curved Plate Design
Casual Dinnerware Set اطباق غريبه جدا  Sponslink3
Casual Dinnerware Set اطباق غريبه جدا  Handful-curved-unique-plate-design

Designed to stack like a set of ceramic cowboy hats, this curved plate from Generate Design Inc is specifically crafted to do what many of us always wanted (and had in the form of paper plates): to bend a plate and make it easier to hold while we walk around a picnic, dinner party or other social gathering revolving around food.
Casual Dinnerware Set اطباق غريبه جدا  Handful-curved-ergonomic-plate-design
When not in use, each plate is designed to fit into the others in the set for easy storage. If not needed for their creative mobility, they also make interesting conversation pieces left out on the table or used as display or serving plates.

عدل سابقا من قبل كليوباترا في 06.12.10 12:47 عدل 1 مرات
اميره برونزيه
رقم عضويتك : 8771
عدد المساهمات : 1711
الاوسمه :
العمل/الترفيه : طالبه جامعيه

Casual Dinnerware Set اطباق غريبه جدا  Empty رد: Casual Dinnerware Set اطباق غريبه جدا

06.12.10 12:40
جميل اوي الموضوع تسلم ايدك
بس الصور صغنونه اوي مش شايفاها
ملكه المنتدى
رقم عضويتك : 1
عدد المساهمات : 84033
الاوسمه :
العمل/الترفيه : طبيبه اسنان

Casual Dinnerware Set اطباق غريبه جدا  Empty رد: Casual Dinnerware Set اطباق غريبه جدا

06.12.10 12:48
منوره يا قمر بس كنت بظبطها واللاب فصل شحن هههههههههههه بس اتظبطت اهه شوفيها يا قمر
اميره برونزيه
رقم عضويتك : 8771
عدد المساهمات : 1711
الاوسمه :
العمل/الترفيه : طالبه جامعيه

Casual Dinnerware Set اطباق غريبه جدا  Empty رد: Casual Dinnerware Set اطباق غريبه جدا

06.12.10 13:12
تحفففففففففه فعلا ميرسي يا قمر علي مجهودك وتعبك
اميره حيويه
رقم عضويتك : 10428
عدد المساهمات : 84
الاوسمه :

Casual Dinnerware Set اطباق غريبه جدا  Empty اطباق غريبه جدا

06.12.10 13:13
تحفه اوى
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